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2021 Data Meetup Dates, Topics, and Updates

  • January 26, 2021

The Data Meetups are back in a brand new way for 2021!

If you have attended a Data Meetup in the past, you know we like to keep it casual: you bring the topics and we talk through each one as a group. Our goal has always been to make sure our Meetups are 1) conversational and 2) valuable to YOU. After almost two years of holding these events, we have learned a lot and are making some small adjustments to ensure we continue meeting those goals. Let’s talk about those tweaks!


1. New day and time

Previously, our Meetups took place once a month on a Friday morning at 8:00 AM CST. This year, Data Meetups will take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:00 AM CST. Our Meetups are virtual and we frequently have attendees from around the country. With this new schedule, we hope more of you from Pacific to Eastern time zones will be able to join in!


2. Pre-determined topics for guided conversations

In 2019 and 2020, our Meetup topics were based solely on the topics and questions our attendees submitted at the beginning of or during the meeting. In order to help you determine which meetings would be of the most value to you, we’ve assigned topics to each of our Meetups ahead of time. These topics are based on the most common questions we have received in the past and will help guide the conversation so we can spend less time gathering topic ideas and more time discussing them.

Our Q1 and Q2 Data Meetups are scheduled and open for registration. You can view details and register for each below, we hope to “see” you at one of them soon!


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