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Upgrading to the Core Matcher in Markit EDM

  • November 27, 2018

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With CAG in our rearview mirror, we’re reflecting on one of the hottest topics of the event: the core matcher.

Upgrading to the core matcher is not a matter of if companies will need to make the switch, but rather a matter of when, how, and through whom they will do so. Why switch to the core matcher now? Our experience and expertise on the topic give us a hunch that the core matcher could one day be the primary option for Markit EDM organizations. It employs a simpler data matching system than the legacy matcher, but the upgrading process itself is more difficult and therefore requires significant commitment and careful implementation.

All this to say: there is no better time than now to start the intricate upgrade process.

Your team needs to focus on their day-to-day tasks and on delivering value to the business. The core matcher upgrade could cause a lag in your business practice, especially if you wait until you absolutely have to upgrade and must scramble to make the change. This process should be done correctly, proactively, and non-disruptively. That’s where Continuus Technologies comes in.

Our Markit EDM experts are THEE core matcher upgrade experts and can save you valuable time and manpower by operating in the background while you stay focused on your goals. Our business model gives you access to our consultants in a direct and personal capacity to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible from start to finish. We have been in the trenches of Markit EDM since day one. We have successfully completed core matcher upgrades for organizations across a range of industries, are currently in flight with more, and have the expertise and capacity to do the same for yours.

Just as your business is unlike any other, no two instances of a core matcher upgrade are the same. You need experts who will commit to your organization and your unique upgrade to get the job done correctly and efficiently.

Let’s start the conversation now to find the best customized upgrade options for your organization. Contact us today to find the Markit EDM consultant that is right for you!

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