
Getting Started with Python

Written by Lauren Busalacchi | Sep 17, 2020 2:36:00 AM

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Python is often referenced as one of the go-to languages when it comes to data science. It’s free, open-source, and relatively easy to use. But if you’ve never used Python before, it can be daunting to know where to start!

Here’s a few tips when it comes to getting started, whether you have a project in mind or just want to start learning.


1. Download Python

Find someone else that’s already done it – seriously! Python set ups can be hard to get working when VPNs and firewalls get involved. If you are at a company that already uses Python, find a co-worker to guide you. 


If you are on your own either at work or at home, I recommend starting with the Anaconda system. It’s easy to download and has the language and an easy to use IDE (Spyder) included in the initial download.


2. Which version should I use?

Python made a lot of updates when it changed from version 2 to 3, and that made a lot of people very unhappy. Some Python users have stuck with the last available instance of Python 2 as a result, while others upgraded to Python 3. There’s a lot of articles that sum up why one version is better than the other, but if you are reading this article you are probably a beginner, so just start with version 3 unless you are A) working with someone that uses version 2, or B) re-using scripts written in version 2. You can have two functional versions at once, but that’s not a beginner lesson!


3. Get ready to download packages!

Most Python functions need packages that must be downloaded separately when you use them for the first time. If you followed my above advice and downloaded via Anaconda, just stick with using Conda Install in the Spyder IDE, and don’t try mixing in Pip Install downloads via command line or otherwise. They won’t play well together, and can cause some serious issues!


4. Take a class for basics

I’ve had a lot of success with Udemy when it comes to getting started, and it’s also great if you’re getting started again because it's been a couple years since you last tried to learn (no shame in that!). There are several versions of intro courses, and it's easy to find one that fits your needs and style of learning.


5. Never be afraid to Google it

I’ve used Python frequently for over a year now, and I still Google almost everything! Chances are you won’t use Python all day everyday, but there are a lot of people who do that write super specific blog posts and answer questions on Stack Overflow. Don’t get discouraged when something doesn’t work, the answer is out there somewhere!


Questions about getting started with Python? Shoot us a message!